Friday, February 27, 2009

Facebook addiction

Okay I admit it....I did not do a very good job on keeping up with my things to do list for this week.YIKES!!! But it's not all my fault, I partially blame my friend    She got me hooked on Facebook and once I got started I was hooked. Okay Becky I will let you slide this time...I can honestly say I did everything up until Wednesday on my to do list, I was doing so good right on schedule. Until....I discovered Facebook!! 

I have been reconnecting with friends from High School and friends from my hometown. Wow to believe in just 2 years it will be 20 years since I graduated High School. That makes me feel older than I am.  I have contacted lots of my friends and they are all doing so good and it was fun to see pictures of their kids and find out where they live. Seems like most of them moved away (like me) and are all spread out over the United States and some still live back home in Vero Beach. What a small world we really do live in.

If you haven't started a Facebook account and want to reunite with your old High School friends or just have anyone from your past you want to catch up on, you can go to and sign up and look them up. WARNING!!!!!! IT IS ADDICTIVE AND DON'T EXPECT TO GET ANY HOUSEWORK DONE OR SCRAPBOOKING DONE FOR ATLEAST THE FIRST WEEK OR SO...ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!!

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