Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Will I ever be caught up?

And the question that keeps weighing on my mind…will I ever be caught up on my blog, I am so behind. Maybe with the new school routine I can get up an hour earlier and sit at the computer with my coffee and have a moment to myself to get it caught up….Yeah right wishful thinking. I will try, no promises. I do have to back track to way back in May when Mom & Dad were here and we went to the Strawberry Patch on Mother’s Day, plus I never got a chance to add Kaitlynn’s dance recital pictures. So I will make sure to do that soon. I have a list somewhere buried on my computer desk of what I need to post and get caught up on to bring my blog current. Hope to clean off my desk today and find it. I need to take on some sort of organization task at my computer desk, its looking pretty scary!!!  I am hoping to accomplish great things today.

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