Monday, December 22, 2008

Visit with Santa

hello santa

Back to Blogging

It has been a long time since I last updated my blog...lots of things have happened since Thanksgiving that have prevented me from being able to get on my computer to check emails regularly much less to update my blog. One of my New Year's goals is to scrapbook more and to keep my blog updated. I have been very busy the last few days around the house getting things ready for our family to come Christmas Eve. Plus my Mom, Dad & my Brother, Robby will get here from Florida on Christmas day to stay a week with us. Getting excited for them to come. I snapped some pictures of the girls decorating the tree, plus played a little with a few Christmas digitals. december joy layout IMG_1061 IMG_1069 IMG_1080IMG_1093

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Puppy Love

Madison is so into anything with dogs, I have also noticed in the stores they are a big hit this year. They must be the "IN" thing right now. She has lots of dog stuffed animals and other doggie things in her room that she plays with all the time. The other night I was walking by her room and she had all of her dogs on her bedroom floor playing with them. They were so cute all cuddled together I had to grab my camera, plus our little dog Earnhardt got in the picture too, which made it even cuter....can you tell which one is real???? LOL

puppy love 1